Sunday, January 12, 2014


in the beginning three creature  were created man made of clay jinn made of light and the third satan made up of fire

the man kind and the jinn have free will they have the ability to decide whether or not they want to do right or wrong allah swt gave us this as a privilage the angel the malaikaa on the other hand were create to worship allah swt they don't have a choice the weren't built with the innate obility to chose should or should i not their goal their mission in life is to praise and worhip god alone and that's what they do now the angles had known the jinn's before what they had done they shed blood and corrupted on earth and the jinns lived here and they still do and they corrupted and shed blood so allah sent the angels down and they actually had a battle and they forced them out into the island of the world but iblees interestingly enough used to be one of the highest worshipper of allah swt he was a superstar he's amazing he was incredible iblees was a worshipper he was an 'Aabid' so iblees used to hang out with the angels cause the angels are the top of praise of allah swt but iblees was  so good that he able to kick with the angels and many of us believe that a satan he is from the malaaika no as shaytaan he is from jinn as there is good mankind there is bad mankind the jinn are exactly the same and we need to realize that for a magician to be a magician they will have to do a lot of thing which are forbidden a lot of 'kufr' acts you see who helps the magician are the shayateen:satans so this person would have tp pray to them sacrifice for them they will do all these miserable things they are the worst of people they are the worst of people and we need to realize that the jinn you will see them in a different form they shape in spiders they shape in snakes they shape in human beings and many of those people who i've read on and they have been possessed they see them as short long ears bold and things like this they form themselves in that particular form but they; this is not their original form
iblees has a very interesting story iblees has free will or had free will has free will just like us the mankind and jinn have free will they have the obility to decide whether or not they want to do right or wrong the angels,the'malaa'ikat' on the other hand were created to worship allah swt they dont have a choice,they weren't built; with the innate ability to chose should i or should i not their goal;their mission in life is to praise and worship God alone and that's what they do so allah said to his angels one day he said to them;o my angels:i am about to create; a creation; a being made of clay so the angels replied they said: o our lord are you going to create a creature on earth that will shed blood again and corrupt again when we glorify your name and you on we praise,they're afraid they're saying in other words. o our lord have we done something to you but obviously they didn't understand what's happening God did not explain it to them so all he said was this he said i know that which you's do not know but sh shaytaan or iblees as he was known before did not have this personality and one moment in time allah swt fulfilled his plan in the 'lawhe fahmooz' to create our father adam AS when allah create adam AS iblees had heard the angels what they had asked and every body talking about it and iblees he's starting to think here what is so special about his creature which God had created curiosity and at the same time something begun to develop in his heart a form of jealousy jealousy begun so he went look at this creature and he saw it it didn't look too impressive to him it was made of clay it's dark it was dark in colour he tapped it and he kicked it and it made a ringing sound and he was able to flow through it because he's created from a less denser material which is flames of fire he was able to flow through this body so he thoughty you are a weak creature that's what he thought as timw went allah left body of adam as like that and every time iblees looked at it he felt fear of it looking at a dead body is quite frightening isn't it but at the same time he's trying to beat his fear he's saying i am better than you,you're not gonna be better than me do whatever you want the angels were we're sure he's not gonna be better than us but if he we're not upset so as long as he's pleased with us like that allah left him there until that jealousy developed more and more and more and now it turned in to proudiness arrogance jealousy yurned it to proudiness allah created adam put his soul in to him and iblees didn't like that allah swt he created adam and he said to bow and they all bowed except for iblees de didn't prostrate the reason he refused is because i am better than him i am better than him why you made me out of fire you made him out of clay i'm from fire he's from clay that takes a lot of arrogance to say 'no' to your creator and so shaytan says:'no' allah swt then after a conversation says are cursed you're cursed tou are ar rajeem you are ash shaytaneer rajeem interesting thing happen next shaytan says he raises his hands or he asks allah swt he makes a request he makes dua to allah swt he says make me amongst the'munzireen'  or give me life until the day of resurrection we will give you time but not what you're asking  not until the day of resurrection you wanna escape death no we will give you time until the end of the world when the hour go you will die with them that's your time shaytaan tells allah you know this creation that you created these human being the one that i am better than he says verily i am gonna come to them means from between their hands so shaytaan is threatening us verily to you is an enemy he's a clear enemy he's threatening each and every one of you he's saying i am gonna get on your face he says and from behind them and on their right and on their left allah said to him but wait i am gonna tell you something my true servants you will not have power over them then iblees replied he said ok i will lead them all ashtray except your servants among them who are sincere those are the only types of people my brothers and sisters whom iblees and the shayateen have absolutely no power over the ones whose heart are absolutely sincere there's no hypocrisy in it and he makes the challenge to allah swt he says and oh allah you will not find a lot of them would be grateful to you what we're gonna talk about now ya ikhwani is from the matters of the unseen that nobody knows the complete nature of it except allah swt the jinn were created from a smokeless fire and that fire remains a part of their nature but we know from the hadith of the prophet saw that they right now are not actual fire or something like that ok they live amongst us they have families there are muslims jinn,buddhist jinn hindi jinn there are good jinn, bad jinn,not every jinn is a 'shaytaan' and not every'shaytaan' is a jinn because we have shayateen from the humans and we have'shayateen' from the jinn and we have the believers from the jinn and we have disbelievers from the jinn most of them live ,they tend to live inhabit in far away places place like deserted places or places where it's not particularly clean we know that the jinn are of different types we know there are three types that we find in the sunnah one that flies through the air and one that takes the form of snakes and dogs and one that resides in a particular place much like human reside in a particular place we know that they are from the unseen we know that they see us from where we do not see them we know that the jinn not every jinn is evil they do have certain characteristics though what have we learnt about the characteristics of the jinn their nature they have a very fiery character ok they have abilities that we don't have but we need to be carefull to understand there are not what we would call supernatural abilities these are just different to our abilities err what i'm getting out by this is that we should not attribute acts or characteristics of divinity things that belongs only allah swt to the jinn just because they can do some things that we can't do it's very imprtant that while we realise the jinn'yes' the jinn can fly some of the jinn at least can fly through the sky and they can do things quicker than us and some of them have strength and some of them but they're very very different but that doesn't mean that they should have any share in the divinity that belongs to allah swt and this is where people have gone very badly wrong in the past because the jinn were able to do things that they were not from the normal things that human beings could do people attributed fivinity to them people attributed to them the attributes of allah swt and people eventually performed acts of worship towards them fear of the jinn! dont't fear then but fear me {allah} if you are really believers and if all of the world come together to harm you and allah swt wish to save you they would not be able to harm you do not give the jinn these characteristics they are not worth this kind of honour and this kind of tazeem that we have sometimes as 'bani adam' has given to these jinn they're not souls that live forever yeah: they're not the dead, they are not; all seeing, they're not all knowing they don't know the future all of these things that we can say you know'subhanallah' the jinn are simple a creature and they die like the humans die whether they live for a long time or a short time it dosen't matter but we don't attribute divinity yo them and so it's very important that we understand this the're also naturally afraid they're very they're naturally afraid of humans of the jinn being this huge creature that can crush a human in a blibk of an eye and'subhanallah' naturally the jinn are afraid of you but when tou start fear of them and if i gave you any advise if you take anything today is honesty the least you fear the jinn the more successful you will be'bi'iznillahi ta'ala' in dealing with them and the more you fear them the more trouble they give you but when you start to show them something you start to show them that dear and you start to show them that you know that awe and that surprise of what they're doing that o my God you know there's a pan floating in mid air or the windows keep opening and closing and i feel scared to go in the room just ho sit in the room insha'allah they'll stop doing it they only do it to get a reaction out of it the jinn are not spirits of the dead the're not all powerfull and they're not fallen angles that's a very important point to make iblees is not a fallen angel the angels do not disobey allah swt and the angels have never disobeyed allah swt indeed iblees was as allah swt said in surat kahf he was from the jinn and he disobeyed the command of his lord subhanhi wa ta'ala in the time of rasullah saw and until now a lot of thing have been attributed to sayyidina sulaiman AS which are untrue one of which is magic there are some of'al yahoodi' the jews who attribute magic to sayyidina saulaiman and you would find that many cults and movements they attach themselves to sulaiman many of these secret orders they claim that they go back to sulaiman and the most famous of them is the masonic movement 'al masoomiyyat; the freemasons also movement like the kabala and some of these other mystical jewish cults they paractise magic which they claim they have learned from sulaiman and they claim the lineage goes back to sulaiman there is some truth that there is magic that goes back in lineage to some very early jews but it does not go back to sayyidina sulaiman AS it all goes back to where where did the jews learn this magic that some of which still exist until now and it's very powerfull magic we're not talking about tricks where you hide a coin and you bring it out from somewhere or you bring something out of a hat we're not talking about those trick which they fool the kids with we're talking about some serious magic that could do some serious harm who arre the ones who are teaching magic? the devils! where the source of all of this came from it came from babil and then when you read quran it would put everything in prospective fot you because allah swt says what was revealed to the angels in babil harut and marut harut and marut were two angels who descended to babil and they were teaching people magic and they were doing it with the permission of allah swt by the will of allah if we would go for the literal meaning of that ayat it would mean that these are two angels who came down with the permission of allah to test the people and to offer them something that is'kufr' and they should not learn it this knowledge was learned by a faction of'al yahood' the jews and it has been inheritated from generation to generation through secret orders and part of that magic still exist until now allah swt has told us one effect of such brand or  type of magic allah swt says: they learned from these angels what could cause seperation between man and his wife and it will make it unbearable and enventually it would cause divorce separation and the way it's done they have to have a part of your body with the assistant of the jinn would wrap it in what is called'udqa' and they would wrap it with that part of our body in it and that is what would cause this problem or magic to take effect and they will throw it somewhere sometimes they throw it in the ocean or they bury it in the desert that's how difficult it could be where is this person who is engaged in magic coming from? what is his what is his aim what is he there for because this person who is engaged in magic is a servant of the shaytaan a person can not become a magician until he reaches the highest form of disbelief from which there is rarely any return the shaytaan promise him riches the shaytaan promises him fame some people enter in to magic because of doubts in their hearts some enter to magic because of their desires and this is the majority sometimes people are lured in to practising magic because they inter in to things like for example they get involved in tricks tricks of the hand and then they want more like an drug addict then it has to be more and more and more until they go in to things maybe perhaps they go in to a ouija board or something like this which involves calling upon the shaytaan  and then once the shaytaan gets hold of them they go in to it further and further some peoples are lured innocently in to the practise of magic by reading books in which it says try this this is a particular good thing this will make your wife love you this will make to your husband love you this will make your enemies hate you this will destroy your enemies write these things see these things do these action so people come in to magic in different ways some of them follow their desires for richness for fame for wealth  some of them are over come by their desires for the world like we're gonna hear in a little while and once they get involved in it the shaytaan gets hold of them and once the shaytaan gets hold of them they begin to enter in to real magic the magician can not practise magic without comitting shirk without committing disbelief without becoming one of the strongest and most evil disbelievers of the law of allah swt in the rnk of the magician it is thing that would make the hair on your body stand they would make them drink blood of menstrual they would make them eat frogs and snakes and insects they would make them right 'ayat' of qur'an with blood and step over it there would make them make'istinja' with pages of quran they would make them make 'sujood' to the devils they would make them make 'sujood' to idols these are ritual that the magician have to go through before they get the assistant of the jinn they do not offer their services for free the sahabah RA reached the conclusion that magic is'kufr' it  is an act that will take a person out of the fold of islam and that is why umar ibn khattab he sent out a messages to the islamic states saying kill any magician and one the sahaba said we founf three magician and we excuted them so the ulema says that this the 'hadd' of magic it is execution because of the wallah if you know stories of how magicians harm people you would say that this is a little punishment for them and they have destroyed they have broken houses and they have caused harm shaytaan sets his thrones on water and then they devils come and report to him and then eventually one would come and say i have good news for you i didnot leave the husband and wife until i separated them shaytaan would say you are the one come and sit next to me err of course being involved in the music industry there's so much corruption in the music industry there's many thing that happen behind the scenes that is actually it is very wild when it actually come to light and this why you have people like ibn Qiyyim al jawzi one of the scholars of the past he said that music is the qur'an of the devil and this is why you see that most of the people that come from the music industry in fact they actually do one of the worst sin and they actually become some of the worst people that ever walked the face of this earth from starting off with good manners but once they enter in to the music industry i seen it personally witnessed it they always turn in to another person that they didn't even expect and yes i know some people personally i won't mention any name we ask allah to guide them to islam this is very famous rap grop that sold maybe 30-40 million records worldwide they used to actually be engagement and talking to devils jinns and worshipping the shaytaan so what weopons do we have against the shaytaan against the evil eye against magic against the jinn what weapon do we have the book of allah is our most powerfull weapon the quran is the cure for every illness whether its related to jinn or whether its related to something else evil eye or something else the quran is the cure for eevery single illness allah swt says and we sent doen from the quran allah swt says wnd we sent down from the quraan that which is healing and mercy for the believers but it does not increase the wrong doers except in loss so the quran is our most powerfull weapon against the shaytaan dua is our next most powerfulf weapon dua is reminds us that nobody can remove the harm we are suffering except allah another weapon that we have against the shaytaan believe it or not is water allah swt has made water mubarak allah swt says and we've sent down blessed rain from the sky the most blessed form of water the most blessed form of water that we can use is of course zam zam that often when they drink this water that's been recited upon they will vomit out the magic that they have eaten and if somebody is siffering from possession or magic they'll often almost certainly they wil refuse to drink this water or they will find it very very hard to drink likewise one of the weapons that we have against the shaytaan is dates the messanger of allah saw said whoever eats seven dates in the morning will not be afflicted by poison or magic on the day that he eats them you do that believing firmly that nothing will harm you 'wallahi' there is no 'saahir' in the world there is not magician in the world that can harm you like wise from the weapon that we can use to protect ourselves from the shaytaan is honey honey is one of the things allah swt described as a cure allah swt says rhere emerges from thier bellies a drink varying in colours in which there is a healing for the peoples indeed in this is a sign for people who give thought cupping or 'hijama' is from the advise of the angels the messenger of allah saw said i did not pass by an angel from the angels on the night journey except that they all said to me you must do coupping o muhammad narrated by ibn majah cupping is the general cure for all illness al bukhari narrated RA indeed the best of remedies you have is cupping likewise we talked about being able to burn the magic contract if you find a taweez or you find something that appears to be from this action of the shaytaan or it appears to be some form of magic that was done or you doubt about it strange shapes strange names ayat of the quran writting blood or ayart of the quran writting on strange people maybe powders inside you'll see a circle you'll see things inside stars of david with things written inside of it you'll see squares with letters random letters written in it or random numbers anythings like this you see the best way to protect yourself from it is first to seek refuge with allah from the shaytaan you can read upon it the ayat and if you wish you whatever of the ayat you know you know 4 qul qul ao zubi rabi nas or qul ao zubi rabil falk or surat kausar and you simply burn it until it no more remain and this is how we treat because often they have the name of allah there so we don't throw it in the bin we burn it and then if you were to take the ashes and to sprinkle them in clean earth or to put them in water is been recited upon this is somthing some of the 'masha'ikh(scholar) recommend however if any of these taweez any of these magic contracts contain knots you must be very carefull that you get rid of all of the knots by unfolding them ot by cutting them until knots does not remain because these knots like allah swt says in surah al falaq from  the evil of the women who blow on  the knots they tie knots and they blow on the knots so you must remove the knots that you find in them and you generally you treat this like you will treat anything that has the name of allah on it that you burn it or that you dispose of it appropriately but you distroy yhay piece of paper or that object as completely as you possible can one of the best thing you can do protect your self all of these afflication is your house and your environment having an islamic household having an islamic environment is from the greatest of weapon that you can have it make it extremly difficult for the shaytaan and it make the ruqya more effective ok and my next post is about dajjal anticrist


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