Saturday, February 1, 2014
the dajjal is the greatest "fitna" the greatest trial the greatest test from adam AS until the end of time the"fitna" of dajjal and people will be in utter amazement and awe of him he will be unstoppable and no one will be able to fight him al mahdi would have no way of competing with ad dajjal al mahdi will be alive in that time and al mahdi will be with the believers in jerusalem hiding away from him in their forts there's no way they can confront him the dajjal my dears brothers will live for 40 days in the hadis and he will pass through every town and every village calling the people to accept him and worship him as a lord the prophet saw said that the first day will be like a year and the second day will be like a month and the third day will be like a week and the remaining days will be normal days prophet muhammad saw used to refer to him as AL a'war' one who's blind in one eye that his right eye will be right a floating grape his left eye will aslo be defective and it will be bulging he further went on to describe his complexion saying that he will be reddy white and his forehead will be prominent ,protruding and his neck wide he will be short and stout be young and very powerfull built and hs back will be slightly hunched and when he walks his feet will be set apart not walking feet together unusually far apart and his hear will be curly;locks. he will also be sterile he will not have any children prophet muhammad saw went on to say that disbelief will be written between his two eyes which will be recognisable by both literate and illiterate believers which will be recognisable by both literate and illitrate believers the letter 'kaa'faa'raa will be written there the prophet saw said about him whoever hears about the dajjal whoever hears about the dajjal then keep your distance from him and do not go out to him that the majority of those who come out with him will be women until a man will go home to his mum to his daughter to the women of the house to his sister and he will lock them up because of fear that they will go out to the dajjal dajjal will come and he will come to madinah but it will be'haram' for him to enter the city of madinah so what he will do is that he will camp and settle on some of the salty marshes that will be outside madinah on some of the salty marshes that will be outside madinah and he won't be alone he will have his army with him as ad dajjal alive was he alive at the time of rasulallah saw is he alive know and the answer is 'yes' he is alive and so when they went there they saw a man who was chained his hands were tied to his neck and his knees were in shackles when the red wind was blowing in kufa and a man came to him and said with this sense of euphoria,excitement and so he settled the man down and said of course the hour has not come and will not come until there is no rejoicing in the spoils of war and until the inheritance has not distributed he then pointed towards the east towards'shaam' towards syria and he said an army preparing against the muslims and the muslims preparing against the army the man said: do you mean the 'room' do you mean the europeans ; the romans he said'yes' and then he explained what will happen the first day they will fight with the oath that they will take upon themselves to fight until death overtakes them and then then it will be repeated a second day then the third day but on the fourth day allah will cause it to be that the enemy retreats and the muslims have victory one out of every 100 people who know each other will only survive so there will be a mass a mass killing with very few survivors and whilst there in that state they will hear of a news that is greater than what and a caller will come on his way and he will inform them that 'dajjal' has come out to their families so they will drop whatever is in their hands and they will prepare themselves and 10 knights will be sent to investigate that information and that news and the prophet saw he made mention of them indeed i know their names and i know their names of their father and they are the best knights on earth at that time my dear brother the hadis of the prophet saw that the 'dajjal' will not come out until the people forget him until they think he's something that's not very important and until the leader on the pulpits do not make mention of him that is the time when dajjal will appear and he will come out he will come out in the time when people are not expecting him to come out although society will be conditioned for his arrival one of the things that prophet saw spoke about on one particular day in madinah and many companion were sitting and listening to him and he provided a summary in fact of the end time events beginning with the appearance of the dajjal from the major sign of the end of time and he was speaking to them but he was raising and lowering his voice the hadis in saheen muslim he was raising and lowering his voice and that in fact frightened the prophet companions they became fearful and scared and the prophet he sensed that fear in them and the prophet saw said to them;look there is nothing you have to fear about because if the dajjal came out in this time then i will protect you against him and if the dajjal comes out in a time when i'am not here then allah is my caliph ALLAH IS MY caliph allah is my successor for every muslim rasulallah saw used talk about dajjal dajjal frequently used to mention him a lot and rasulallah saw says every nabi of allah has warned his people from dajjal there is not trial no tribulation since the creation of adam until the day of judgment greater than the trial and tribulation of dajjal now let's ask this question is 'dajjal' alive was he alive at the time of rasullullah saw is he alive now and the answer is yes he is alive now where is he exactly this is what we're goona talk about next and we'll talk about a jewish man his name is ibn sayyad ibn sayyad was a jew from madinah and he used to be into magic and fortune telling and jinn and all of the those things and shayateen he was into that was he dajjal or wasn't he now why would we ask the question to start with well we ask this question because some of sahaba thought that he was dajjal in fact they would swear that he is dajjal like umar ibn khattab and jabir ibn abdullah they would say in the name of allah ibn sayyad is dajjal the reason why we talk about ibn sayyad in the first place is because rasullullah himeself was suspicious rasullallah wants to test him rasullallah said i am hiding away something from you what i'm i hiding rasulallah wants to see in this man dealing with jinn what rasullallah saw meant i'm hiding away from you surah 'ad dukhaan' rasullallah saw recieved the revelation of surat 'ad dhukaan' rasulallah saw recieved the revelation of sirat 'ad dukhaan' and he wanted to recite it on ibn sayyad so he said i am hiding what iam hiding away from you ibn sayyad said you are hiding from me dukh 'dukh' is half of the word 'dukhaan' now either ibn sayyad was playing games with rasulallah saw or the information that he's recieving from the jinn is missing he's recieving half of information so he said'dukh' rasullallah saw pushed him away and said shut up! you are never going to go over your level rasullallah means by this is that you are not going to get over the level that is set for you by allah swt now ibn sayyad himself he didn't like this he disliked people being suspicious about him is this hadis, this is in muslim he said o abu sayeed you the 'ansaar' are one who know tha hadis of rasulallah most and especially you 'you are the one of the most knowledgeable people about the hadis of rasullallah saw isn't that true and then he said didn't rasullallah saw say that dajjal is a non believer and i am a muslim didn't rasullullah say that dajjal is infertile and he has no children and i have left my children in madinah didn't rasullullah say that dajjal is not going to go to madinah or makkah and i just came out of madinah and i'm going to makkah it's very convincing from this that he's not dajjal and the way he was speaking he was very upset and he said you're having all these suspicious about me and you know the hadis of rasullullah and none of the description of dajjal apply to me if we were to stop right here then we would say that defiantly he's not dajjal people are just having suspicions about him i was about to believe him and take his word and then ibn sayyad said but i know i know who dajjal is and i know where he was born and i know where he is now messed up the while thing people have very different opinion in regards to ibn sayyad people are confused about the issue of ibn sayyad and everybody has their own opinion and what we learn from the hadis od rasullullah is that rasullallah saw himself was not sure if ibn sayyad was dajjal or not ibn tayimmah says that rasullallah saw come to the decision in the end that this is not dajjal but he is devil worshipper or he has some dealing with as shayteen allahu a'alam'[allah knows best] now what happened to ibn sayyad yawmal harrah was a battle that happened in madinah in the time of the rein of 'bani umayyah' jabir says that he suddenly disappeared where did he go 'allahu a'alam' this is in abu dawud prophet muhammad saw because was the last of the prophet to come he gave description of dajjal which were so precise at is as if we could see him before us because there was cone to come after him so he had to give us leave us with a clarity which none of the prophets before were required to do or if they did their messages became so garbled after their times that we can't find this kind of clarity in any of the existing scriptures prophet muhammad saw used to refer to him as 'as al'war' one who blind in one eye and he described in more detail that his right eye will be like a floating grape shaking in his head ot in a fixed position and to be his blind eye his left eye will also be defective it will have a thick film opaque like that of a finger nail and it will be green in colour like green glass and it will be bulging this is how prophet saw described the left eye the eye which could see of dajjal he further went on describe his complexion saying that he will be reddy white like the people of the north the UK finland very white so much so that the skin has a red tinge to it and his forehead will be prominent protruding and his neck wide he will be short and stout be young and very powerfully built and his back will be slightly hunched and when he walks his feet will be set apart not walking feet together unusually far apart and his hair wil be curly locks which look from a distance almost like snakes coiled on each other in his hand big locks he will also be sterile he will not have any children according to the prophet saw he most resembles a particular individual by the name of abdul uzza ibn qatal from the mustalaq clan of the 'khuza'ah' tribe who had died in pre islamic times and this statement of the prophet saw is clear proof that dajjal is a man not a symbol for western civilisation or the television as some people have claimed he is a man prophet muhammad saw went on to say that disbelief will be written his two eye which will be recognisable by both literate and illiterate believers the letter 'kaa; ;faa; ;raa; will be written there the fact that only muslims and the believers will be able to recognise it this doesn't mean that it is symbolic it just means that allah will have in such a way that the believers will recognise it and other won't he said saw about him that he will come out and he will travel very fast and he gave a description just like the rain is being pushed by the wind and he is a test of course for the people allah will give him some powers to test and so he will point towards the sky and the rain will fall and when the rain falls the crop will grow and the beasts the cows will breed and there will be an increase in wealth and that will be for his followers but those who do not believe in him or accept him or reject him the rain will not fall them and the crops will not grow for them they will satiate their thirst and hunger with takbir annd tehleel and tahweel of allahu akbar and alhamdullillah and subhanallah and la ilaha illallah the prophet saw said in this hadis that he will pass by wasteland and he will call for the treasures in that wasteland to extract from the earth and those treasures will follow him like a swarm of bees following him and people will be in utter amazement and awe of him the dajjal is the greatest ;fitna; the greatest trial the greatest test from adam AS until end of time the fitna of the dajjal the prophet saw said that every prophet warned his nation about the dajjal that means of course it must be extremely important if every prophet from adam AS until the last prophet muhammad saw is warning his people about the dajjal it must be extremely extremely important but then he said i will tell you something about him which no other prophet has told their people about him so the prophet is bringing some new information pertaining to him the dajjal is one eyed or he is blind in one eye he has one eye that he can see from or through and your lord is not one eyed the dajjal my dears brother will live for 40 days in the 40 days or years in the hadis and he will pas through every town and every village calling the people to accept him and worship him as a lord he's called dajjal many of ulamah they say because he's able to cover the truth with error able to confound the trality of truth and the reality of falsehood and that's why he's called the dajjal and as for 'masheeh' they say because he will cover the expanse of the world in his travel and perhaps that's why he's called al maseeh ad dajjal the prophet said about him that whoever hears about the dajjal then keeps your distance from him and donot go out to him because indeed man will go out to the dajjal and he will consider himself to be a believer and then he will follow him because of what the dajjal produces from doubts and when dajjal comes and he produces money and he produces sensations and he produces this amazing enterprise that comes with him then that is going to enough to convince people who are weak in that state like that people will see the dajjal as a perfect shell as a perfect embodiment he is in their minds like there can't be nothing wrong with him he has to be perfect in their minds perfect politically,socially,morally,ethitically that they will be willing to give their lives for him and willing to submit and obey him mindly and those who are against him.his oppsotion will be considered to be bizzare like what is up with you people don't you see that he is lord that there is enough evidence to worship him and one specific hadis the prophet was walking just outside of madinah with his companions SAW that the majority of those who come out with him will be women until a man will go home to his mum to his daughter to the women of the house to his sister and he will lock them up because of fear that they wil go out to the dajjal one of the things about the dajjal my dear brothers when the prophet said he is not your lord he has imperfection physically morally ethically everything but fo his followers he's perfect but we can see his imperfection and one of the them is fear the dajjal actually is scared he is fearful it's not as if he is you know full of courage he's actually fearfull he's also proud,he's also boastfull trait of the dajjal he's very egotistic he pride on the fact that he has he has a scene he would go to a bedouin and he would say to him do you see if i can bring your parents back to life your father and your mother and his parents are of course dead would you then testify that i am your lord if i can do that for you man will say definitely yes and so two shaytaans would take the form is the appearance of his father and mother and they would say to him 'ya bunay' my beloved son follow him because he's your lord the man will follow the dajjal but in other circumstances we see the fact that is he doesnot have the same kind of strength the prophet for example spoke SAW about a man who will go out to the dajjal he will first be confronted by the army of the dajjal and when he goes they will question him what is up with you who do you want to see and he says i want to see the one who is come out meaning the dajjal and they say to him like do you not believe in our lord and he of course says i don't believe in your lord and then they want to kill him this is very interesting they want to kill him now in the hadis the prophet saw he said that when they see this and when they see the man in his strength says i don't believe in him they want to kill him but then one of them will tell others hasn't your lord prevented you except only he can kill somebody 'subhanallah' i read this the nazis were a bit like this you know human beings like ibn qayyam Ra says he says in the nafs of a human being can be pride of iblees and the arrogants of 'firoun' and the obstinacy of the people of A'ad and samud we can have traits of that in our own self's so even though they blindly subservients it has to follow the system and the order that the dajjal has created fot them and then they will give him permission to pass and so he will go to the dajjal and he will say to him i testify that you are of whom the prophet SAw spoke and he will say do you not believe in me and he will say you are the liar imposter false fraudulent'fasad; you are simply an illusion and this is quite true about the dajjal he's very illusory he's power is temporary he's very finite and so when he will say to his people look similar thing i willl saw this man in two so he will bring some one to saw this man in two and then he will walk in between those two parts of the body and then he will bring him back and then he will say do you not believe in me and then the man will say you know i have more conviction that you are the dajjal of whom the prophet spoke and then the dajjal will grab him and will try to kill him the man.the boy,the young man will say:o people! he will not be able to do after me with anyone else ever again because he knows exactly what the prophet said SAW dajjal only has one chance of having this small display of his grand power he will say that the dajjal will have no power to do this ever ever again not every saw anybody in half and bring him back to life and so he will try and kill him the prophet said he said SAW that he will have like an iron collar dajjal will be unable to slaughter him unable to kill him and so he will grab him and throw him and the people will think he's been thrown in the fire but he's been thrown in paradise the prophet said that this is the greatest martyr this is a greatest martyr with the lord of the worlds the prophet said about the dajjal he has a paradise and he has a fire and his paradise is the fire and his fire is a paradise in one hadis is described as two rivers a river of water and a river of fire and the peophet told us exactly what to do in any one of you ever encounters anything like that then he has to go the river of fire and he has to close his eye and he has to lower his head and he has to drink from that water because that is cold water and that is not fire meaning its a reversal thr prophet SAw had to the call to prayer announced in madinah it was salah time and they prayed and then he went on the 'mimbar' and he said i didn't call you only for this and then he said there is news that has come from us from 'tamim ad dari; and what he is telling confirms with what i have already told you about the dajjal he was with a contingent and they where on a ship and they where a few days stuck in the sea the waves was tossing them here and there until they arrived on a island and when they arrived on the island they saw a thing a person who was extremely hairy they said they couldn't tell the difference between his front and his back it was that covered with hair they became very scared by that scene by the sight of that person and they said woe unto you who are you and that thing said:i am 'jassasa' and he; that thing 'jassasa' said there is a person ina monastery who wants to speak with you and so they were scared and they thought it was some kind of a 'shaytaan' in any case they went and so when they went there they saw a man who was chained his hands were tied to his neck and his knees were in shackles and they said to him woe unto you who are you and he said i will ask you some question to begin with he said do the date trees of 'baisaan' produce dates and they said 'yes' and he said:soon there will be a time when the dates trees of 'baisaan' will not produce any dates anymore then he asked them the lake of tiberius is there water in that lake and he said: soon there'll come a time when the water is dried up there will be no water in that lake and then he said tell me about the one who has come to the illiterates people what's happening with him and then they said yes he's come out the prophet SAW and he is teaching the people and they're obeying him and he's fighting some batlles and some he's winning and some he has lost also and they're telling him information about the prophet SAW in madinah and then he says it will be better if people accepted him and followed him as for me i am the dajjal and i am waiting for my appointed time and when i come i will come for this length of time and then he gives them certain details pertaining to himselfs and the prophet gave this information to his companion RA so there is a lot of information about the dajjal about what he will do about the temporary finite powers that he will have about his things that he will use to allure people towards himself, he will claim to be many things but ultimately he will claim to be 'rabb; he will claim to be lord and and people they will see him in that capacity people would believe in him worship him in that capacity of being a lord and then there will be some of people who will who will rebel against him who will oppose him in fact in a beautifull hadis that we begun with the one that summarises it says that when Eesa AS with those who have survived the dajjal it says that Easa AS will go and he will rub over their cheeks and he will inform them off the glad tidings of their grades in paradise those who have escaped the 'fitan' of the dajjal the prophet SAW gave us a lot of advise my dear brother of how we protect ourselves from him and in one hadis he said SAW whoever memorises the first 10 ayat the first 10 verses from surah al khaf from the 19th chapter of the Quran in one hadis the last 10 verses of surah al khaf then he is protected from the dajjal and if you see him in one narration then you would read those verses over him in one hadis if you when you're in your 'tashahud' in your salah in your end position your tashahud then seek refuge with allah from four things oh allah i seek refuge with you from the punishment of the fire and the punishment of the grave and from the trials of life and death and from the evil trial of the ;maseeh ad dajjal' finally the death of dajjal the dajjal even though he has all of these 'fitna' but no matter how long a lie lasts no matter how big the lie is one day it will be exposed lies can never continue forever dajjal is all about deception and lying and his deception will carry him but it will only carry him so far and then he will collapse in the end he will collapse and that will be the end of dajjal but he will not collapse until he has caused so much damage all over the world that almost the entire world has followed him he will be unstoppable and no one will be able to fight him al mahdi would have no way of competing with ad dajjal al mahdi will be alive in that time and al mahdi wll be with the believers in jerusalem hiding away from him in their forts there's no way they can confront him until Eesa ibn maryam AS descend just like allah has given ad dajjal this super natural abilities allah will give sayyidina Esa AS a miracle and that is he will have the power of killing ad dajjal by his vision sayyidina Easa in one hadis his vision in one hadis his breath by the vision and breath of Easa that will be enough to melt ad dajjal like a piece of ice melts and that is a miracle that allah SWT will gives sayyidina Easa ibn marayam;Easa ibn maryam AS will kill ad dajjal at 'bab lud' and this is in palestine so this is the end of the story of dajjal
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